Seaweed Around The Clock is the world’s first international digital event dedicated to the entire seaweed value chain that aims to reach out to industry, scientists, governments and most importantly all of us regular folk, to explain the benefit of seaweed for each citizen around the world.

The goal is to promote innovative seaweed solutions to a wider audience and catalyze new opportunities that will protect our planet.
How does the event work?
There will be a 24 Hour LIVE stream starting online June 2nd, 2022 at 2AM UTC. After this there will be 30 Days of virtual seaweed expo activity - endless companies will be exhibiting their ways and wares via virtual booth with live chat functions on the initial day. Experts and business' from 48 countries are taking part and over 130 speakers will be sharing their findings, theories and hopes for the future of seaweed.
Register to attend here. Find out more here.
#seaweedfirst #SATC22 #seaweedaroundtheclock #seaweedsolutions
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